FurnitureHow To Clean Resin Plastic Patio Furniture - Snackon Design

28th February 2024by SnackON

Resin plastic patio furniture is a popular choice for outdoor spaces due to its durability and low maintenance. Regular cleaning is essential to keep it looking its best and extend its lifespan.

We will discuss why cleaning resin plastic patio furniture is important, the tools and materials needed for the job, step-by-step cleaning instructions, how often to clean the furniture, and tips for maintaining its pristine condition.

Let’s learn how to keep your outdoor furniture shining bright!



What Is Resin Plastic Patio Furniture?

Resin plastic patio furniture is a popular choice for outdoor spaces due to its durability, weather resistance, and aesthetic appeal.

Its lightweight nature makes it easy to move around and rearrange in different outdoor settings, adding versatility to your patio or garden decor. Resin plastic furniture is also known for requiring minimal maintenance, as it can easily be cleaned with a solution of mild soap and water. This hassle-free cleaning process saves time and ensures that your outdoor furniture retains its vibrant color and pristine condition for years to come.

Common applications for resin-plastic patio furniture include dining sets, loungers, chairs, and tables, providing a wide range of options to suit various outdoor needs.

Uncover more: Can You Paint Resin Patio Furniture



Why Is It Important To Clean Resin Plastic Patio Furniture?

Regular cleaning of resin plastic patio furniture is essential to maintain its appearance, extend its lifespan, and protect it from environmental elements.

  1. By keeping the furniture free from dirt, dust, and stains, you are actively preventing potential damage that could occur over time. This maintenance routine not only ensures that the furniture looks fresh and inviting but also plays a crucial role in maintaining its structural integrity.
  2. The care requirements for resin plastic patio furniture are relatively simple, typically involving a gentle cleaning solution and a damp cloth or soft brush. Weather resistance is a key factor in the longevity of outdoor furniture, and regular cleaning helps preserve the protective measures designed to shield the furniture from the sun, rain, and other elements.



What Are The Tools And Materials Needed To Clean Resin Plastic Patio Furniture?

Cleaning resin plastic patio furniture requires a few essential tools and materials, including a cleaning solution, vinegar, baking soda, a scrub pad, and protective gloves.

The cleaning solution is crucial for breaking down dirt and grime that may have accumulated on the furniture. Vinegar, with its acidic properties, helps to disinfect and deodorize surfaces effectively. Baking soda acts as a gentle abrasive, aiding in scrubbing away tougher stains without damaging the plastic. The scrub pad assists in applying pressure and scrubbing effectively, while the protective gloves keep your hands safe from any harsh chemicals present in the cleaning agents.


Mild Soap Or Detergent

Using a mild soap or detergent is effective for removing dirt, stains, and mildew from resin plastic patio furniture.

The gentle yet powerful properties of mild soap or detergent make them ideal for breaking down tough stains on resin-plastic patio furniture. When combined with water, these cleaning agents can easily lift grime and embedded dirt from the surface, leaving the furniture looking fresh and revitalized.

The cleansing action of mild soap helps prevent the formation of mildew, a common issue on outdoor furniture. Regularly cleaning with soap or detergent not only maintains the appearance of the patio furniture but also extends its lifespan by preventing deep-seated stains.




Water is a fundamental element in the cleaning process, used for rinsing off cleaning solutions and debris from resin plastic patio furniture.

It plays a vital role in effectively spraying down the furniture to remove any stubborn grime or dirt buildup. Water helps to maintain hydration during the cleaning process, preventing the furniture from drying out or becoming damaged. By utilizing a garden hose or spray bottle, one can ensure thorough rinsing of the furniture, leaving it looking fresh and revitalized.

The consistent use of water in cleaning resin plastic patio furniture not only enhances its appearance but also prolongs its lifespan by preventing damage and degradation caused by dirt and grime accumulation.



Soft Bristle Brush

A soft bristle brush is ideal for scrubbing and applying gentle cleaning agents to resin plastic patio furniture surfaces.

Its soft bristles effectively remove dirt and grime without scratching or damaging the furniture finish, making it a versatile tool for maintaining the cleanliness and appearance of outdoor furniture.

When paired with a mild cleaning solution or soapy water, the soft bristle brush can tackle tough stains and spots while still being gentle on the material.

This type of brush is also perfect for reaching intricate details and crevices that may be hard to clean with other tools, ensuring a thorough and efficient cleaning process.




A bucket is essential for mixing cleaning solutions and water, facilitating the cleaning process for resin-plastic patio furniture.

Buckets play a crucial role in enhancing the overall efficiency of the cleaning routine. They provide a convenient vessel for storing water, ensuring that you have an easily accessible supply while cleaning various surfaces. By having a dedicated bucket for cleaning tasks, you can avoid cross-contamination of cleaning solutions and maintain a higher level of hygiene.

The versatility of buckets allows for a seamless transition between different cleaning tasks, whether it involves mopping floors, scrubbing surfaces, or rinsing off outdoor furniture. Their sturdy construction and ergonomic handles make them reliable companions in any cleaning endeavor.



Cloth Or Sponge

Using a cloth or sponge is effective for wiping and drying resin plastic patio furniture after cleaning, ensuring a thorough and efficient process.

This method not only helps in removing residual cleaning solutions and dirt but also aids in preventing water spots and streaks on the furniture’s surface. By ensuring that the furniture is completely dry, you are also reducing the risk of mold and mildew growth. Using a cloth or sponge allows for gentle and precise cleaning, ensuring that the furniture’s finish is well-maintained and protected. Incorporating these drying techniques with the right cleaning supplies can prolong the lifespan and aesthetic appeal of your outdoor furniture.




Vinegar is a natural and eco-friendly cleaner that can effectively tackle tough stains and grime on resin plastic patio furniture.

Its acidic properties make it a powerful solution for breaking down dirt and residue, leaving surfaces sparkling clean. In addition to being gentle on the environment, vinegar is also a cost-effective alternative to harsh chemical cleaners.

From kitchen countertops to bathroom tiles, vinegar can be used to remove soap scum, grease, and even mold stains. The versatility of vinegar as a cleaning agent makes it a must-have for those looking for effective and sustainable ways to keep their living spaces clean and fresh.



How To Clean Resin Plastic Patio Furniture?

Cleaning resin plastic patio furniture involves a step-by-step process that includes mold removal, stain treatment, and specialized cleaning techniques.

  1. To begin the cleaning process, start by removing any cushions or accessories from the furniture.
  2. Next, mix a solution of mild detergent with warm water in a bucket.
  3. Using a soft sponge or brush, gently scrub the surfaces of the resin furniture to remove dirt and debris.
  4. Pay extra attention to areas with mold or stains, applying a paste of baking soda and water to help lift stubborn spots.
  5. Rinse the furniture thoroughly with clean water and allow it to air dry completely before replacing any cushions or decorations.

Regular maintenance with these cleaning techniques will keep your resin patio furniture looking fresh and inviting for outdoor enjoyment.


Remove Loose Debris

  • Start the cleaning process by removing loose debris and dirt from the surface of resin plastic patio furniture.

This step is crucial in preparing the furniture for deeper cleaning, as debris and dirt can make it challenging for cleaning agents to penetrate and thoroughly clean the surface. A gentle brush or soft cloth can be used to sweep away the loose particles, ensuring a clean starting point for the rest of the cleaning process. By taking the time to meticulously clear the surface of any debris, you set the foundation for a more effective and thorough cleaning session.


Create Cleaning Solution

Prepare a cleaning solution by mixing water and vinegar to create an effective and eco-friendly cleaner for resin plastic patio furniture.

  1. The process involves combining equal parts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle, shaking well to ensure thorough mixing.

Vinegar, a natural disinfectant, helps to cut through dirt and grime on the furniture surface without leaving any harmful residue. This solution not only cleans effectively but is also safe for the environment, eliminating the need for harsh chemicals that can be damaging to both your health and the planet. By utilizing this simple yet powerful homemade cleaning solution, you can maintain the cleanliness of your patio furniture in an environmentally friendly manner.


Scrub With A Soft Bristle Brush

Gently scrub the furniture surface with a soft bristle brush to remove dirt, stains, and grime effectively.

This gentle scrubbing technique not only helps eliminate surface dirt and stains but also ensures a thorough cleaning process. The soft bristle brush is ideal for delicate surfaces as it prevents any damage while effectively lifting off grime and restoring the furniture’s original shine. By using gentle circular motions, the brush can penetrate into crevices and intricate details of the furniture, providing a comprehensive cleaning experience. The impact of this method on furniture surface restoration is remarkable, leaving the surfaces looking rejuvenated and refreshed.



Rinse With Water

Rinse the furniture with water using a hose to wash off the cleaning solution and residue, ensuring a clean and refreshed surface.

Thorough rinsing is crucial to eliminate any remaining cleaning product and residue from the furniture’s surface. By flushing the surface with water, you not only remove the dirt and grime but also prevent streaks or dullness that may occur if any cleaning agents are left behind.

It’s essential to pay attention to every nook and cranny while rinsing, ensuring that all areas receive an equal amount of water to guarantee a uniformly clean finish. Water-based rinsing techniques are preferred as they are gentle on the material and environmentally friendly, promoting a sustainable cleaning process.



Use Vinegar For Tough Stains

Apply vinegar directly to tough stains on resin plastic patio furniture and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing for effective stain removal.

The acidic nature of vinegar helps to break down stubborn stains, making it an excellent natural cleaning agent for various surfaces. One key benefit of using vinegar is its versatility in treating different types of stains, from food and beverage spills to mold and mildew. Vinegar is a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to harsh chemical cleaners, making it a popular choice for those looking to clean their outdoor furniture without causing harm to the environment.

To achieve optimal cleaning results, it is recommended to repeat the vinegar application and scrubbing process if necessary, ensuring that the stains are completely removed.



How Often Should Resin Plastic Patio Furniture Be Cleaned?

Resin plastic patio furniture should be cleaned regularly to maintain its appearance and prolong its longevity, with preventive cleaning measures recommended for optimal care.

Considering the typical outdoor exposure and usage, experts suggest cleaning resin plastic patio furniture at least once a month during the warmer seasons and every 2-3 months in colder months. This routine upkeep not only prevents dirt and grime buildup but also guards against mold and mildew growth. A simple cleaning solution of mild soap and water is effective in tackling most stains and residues. For tougher stains, a mixture of vinegar and water can be used, ensuring that the furniture stays looking fresh and vibrant for years to come.


What Are Some Tips For Maintaining Resin Plastic Patio Furniture?

To maintain resin plastic patio furniture effectively, use furniture covers, avoid harsh chemicals, and select appropriate cleaning products based on weather conditions.

  1. During warmer seasons, it is important to shield the furniture from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, which can cause fading and deterioration. When not in use, consider storing the furniture in a covered area or using a protective furniture cover.
  2. For rainy or humid climates, it’s essential to regularly check for mold or mildew growth and promptly address it with a mild soap and water solution. Investing in UV-resistant furniture covers can help prolong the lifespan of the furniture and keep it looking vibrant.


Cover Furniture When Not In Use

Protect resin plastic patio furniture by covering it when not in use to maintain its appearance and enhance outdoor decor aesthetics.

Outdoor furniture covers play a vital role in shielding the surfaces of your patio furniture from various elements such as rain, sun exposure, and dust. By utilizing these covers, you can prevent fading, cracking, or warping of the furniture, ultimately prolonging its lifespan.

These covers are available in a wide range of designs, colors, and sizes, allowing you to choose options that complement your outdoor space’s style and enhance its overall visual appeal. With regular use of furniture covers, you can ensure that your outdoor decor remains fresh and vibrant all year round.



Wipe Spills Immediately

Clean up spills on resin-plastic patio furniture immediately as part of your regular cleaning routine to prevent stains and maintain cleanliness.

Spills on resin plastic patio furniture, if left unattended, can seep into the material, causing stubborn stains that are hard to remove later on. By addressing spills promptly, you not only prevent unsightly marks but also preserve the overall appearance and longevity of your furniture.

Regularly tending to spills also forms good cleaning habits, ensuring that your outdoor furniture remains in top condition. Effective spill management plays a crucial role in maintaining the aesthetic appeal and durability of your patio furniture.



Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Use cleaning products that are gentle and suitable for the furniture material to avoid damaging resin plastic patio furniture with harsh chemicals.

Selecting the right cleaning products for your furniture goes beyond just avoiding damage; it also ensures effective cleaning and extends the life of your pieces. Consider the unique characteristics of resin plastic when choosing cleaning agents; opt for mild, non-abrasive solutions that won’t compromise the material. By maintaining proper material compatibility, you not only protect your furniture from immediate harm but also contribute to its long-term durability. Harsh chemicals can deteriorate the surface of resin plastic over time, leading to discoloration and weakening of the structure.


Store Furniture Indoors During Winter Months

During winter months, store resin plastic patio furniture indoors to protect it from cold temperatures, humidity, and elements that can affect its durability.

Exposure to freezing temperatures can cause resin plastic patio furniture to become brittle and prone to cracking, while high humidity levels can lead to mold and mildew growth. By storing the furniture indoors, you can prevent these issues and extend its lifespan.

It is also important to clean the furniture thoroughly before storage to remove any dirt or debris that could cause damage over time. Consider using furniture covers or storing pieces in a well-ventilated area to further protect them from the effects of seasonal changes.